Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sales Agreement Template

Eccolo qua!

Mi sono divertito moltissimo a usare WordPress sullo spazio preso da Aruba (e ringrazio di cuore Gulma per tutte le iconcine sfiziose fatte con i miei avatar).
In pratica il pezzo principale è il nuovo blog ( ), che andrà a sostiture i vari Sgarrafiesto e Ualone in the Jazz, ma la facciata (che poi tecnicamente è un altro blog) mi diverte tantissimo. :D

Sono molto curioso di sentire i vostri pareri.
Chiaramente sul nuovo blog !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How To Remove Adhesive Towel Rack

Four chat with Mauro Buti

personally do not believe it yet, but I was assured that ALL the other hand it is true.
is really so.
One of my friends, with whom I share a lot of passion (video games, internet, technology), with whom I have been through a very crazy and kaibani, at work, on vacation, anywhere ... A
Kaiba, I would call a quietly "to a Ualone ... threw himself into politics!

He's doing a very economical campaign for the next (imminent) regional elections in Lombardy, trying to spread his ideas by means very close to the passions that I listed before.
Among these means, here is the interview with Ualone, a chat among friends in which he explains what Maureen is trying to do.
and why.
After the jump, the video.

The boy is clearly committed, among other things, precisely because the resources available are not those of an "old" politician, but a young we test and wants to bring a lot of enthusiasm.

I invite you to take a look at the site of Mauro Buti, where you will be able to access your blog, his Facebook page and many other useful tools to investigate.

A Kaiba in politics, but he thinks you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Which Gatsby To Use For Thick Hair

God of War III press kit contains

I took some 'photos of the press kit of God of War III, which is the edition of the game that Sony reserves the press.
thanks to the beloved "Captain" is a must. ;)

's watch it together!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Abscess Tooth With No Lump

Outcast Ualone

Caraibi, gente!
Volevo comunicarvi che è disponibile il nuovo episodio di Outcast Magazine.
Outcast è, come il nome lascia intendere, un podcast.
Ciò che il nome non lascia intendere, ma le persone coinvolte magari un po' lo fanno intuire, è che si tratta di un podcast sui videogiochi.

Io lo definirei anche un podcast sui videogiocatori.
Ma quello che conta ancora di più è che è un podcast molto folle, motivo per cui sono particolarmente orgoglioso di parteciparvi.

Outcast is also available on iTunes , but they tell me that maybe it takes a few hours before you see the last episode.

Then you can always follow the official blog of Outcast here, where among other things, there is a nice link to listen to streaming Outcast.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We Prefer Cash In Wedding Invitation

How to clear Desktop Dungeon

For the series: "Look what the fuck you begin to get people."
After the jump, there is a video made by DeSangre on how to finish in less than Desktop Dungeon five minutes.

Now if you're interested in the game, you might be interested to discover the strategies offered by this video.
If you are not interested in the game, please, "read on" watch the video and think with me, seriously, about "what the hell do you put to the people."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bioresearch Pet Snail

Dinner in under 5 minutes, I'll explain how to do it on

So, first you must be hungry.
At any time of day, no matter when, you just have hunger.
If you are hungry, not dining: not the same thing.

Ok, determined the need to be hungry, let's see how.

1. You open the freezer and take a bag of "Pappardelle with wild boar sauce."

2. You open the cabinet where the pots and you take a pan, preferably non-adherent, but basically a large skillet on average.

3. Pour into the pan two tablespoons of water and a little oil.

4. It turns the liquid into the pan so that it expands over the entire surface thereof.

5. It empties into the pan the contents of the envelope of Figure 1 and it is laying the pan on the stove, lighting the flame is tuned to a situation over medium heat.

6. You control your time. Are 0.45 and cooking should take about six minutes. So, be careful to 0.50/0.51.

7. When it is time to move closer to X, and such lack 1-2 minuti alla stessa...

8. ...e la vostra futura cena avrà più o meno quest'aspetto...

9. apre nuovamente il freezer e si raccoglie la scatoletta di formaggio già grattugiato.

10. Si versa il formaggio sulla vostra futura cena, anche un po' a cazzo di cane, tanto tra pochi secondi si darà una bella girata.

11. Si raccoglie il barattolino di pepe nero dalla dispensa...

12. ...e ne si aggiunge un po' alla dinner.

13. It blends a bit '...

14. ... And put on the table.

15. Clearly you eat in the same pan used for cooking and possibly using, in addition to the fork, the spoon also already used for grated cheese.

Bon appetit!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Eye Laser Treatment Price Malaysia

Blogging Dailyrando

Caribbean, people! The more attentive readers
One sgarrafiesto with Ualone have already noted in Section Find me! Sidebar, a new entry.

Well, as you will see for yourself by clicking on the link, it is a real blog. Clearly, for now proposes articles already seen on Sgarrafiesto , but in the future may have the exclusive of interest because they generally do so with my blog. E 'already happened with the Jazz in Ualone , that started as just another mirror Sgarrafiesto , but then it was totally different.

The point of this post, however, is another.
Dailyrando is truly one of the easiest ways to start blogging.
so easy that you should definitely try them all.

E 'convenient especially for those already accustomed to posting in the Forum technologically advanced and easy to use, as its Dailyrando , among others.

Write a blog post personal Dailyrando exactly how to write a post on the forum. Only the result is an article that will enrich your own blog, viewable at any time by clicking on their name author (eg Ualone ) as well as clicking on any author name, you can view the blog of the person concerned.

For me, it's a very cool system for two reasons.
1) It 'easy to use, and simplicity is key when you want to express thoughts. Many people will "lock" when creating a blog, or even post on a blog already created, because many systems are cumbersome. Of course, services such as Blogspot and Wordpress provide a level of depth, very useful for pro bloggers, but for the fact often unsympathetic to those who only want sympathy in blogging or start blogging.
2) Is there a forum, below. The audience is that of a Forum. This thing I've always dreamed of. Blogs together, the talk can only benefit from it and become automatically more pussy.

Try it. Especially you, those "I'd like to make a blog, but then I see, I did not understand."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Where Can You Get Espnu?

Pussy Wagon for the win.

the poster.

Beautiful Lady Gaga.
Beautiful Beyoncé.

Awesome video.

Wonderful because Tarantino.
I'm just mad because Tarantino.

Beautiful costumes.
all beautiful.

The song I like.

For now. Then it is clear that maybe it gets and so on.
But for now I do not like.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Name Of The House In Kerala


So is it a few hours over the Sony conference at the GDC.
virtually the sole topic: PlayStation Move, the new motion controller for Sony PlayStation 3, abbastanza nettamente "copiato" da Wii di Nintendo, come quasi la stessa Sony ha ammesso durante la conferenza, dicendo praticamente che "abbiamo iniziato tutta questa roba con EyeToy, poi Nintendo ha fatto delle cose, e ora eccoci qui".
PlayStation Move è l'insieme dei due cosi che vedete in foto (la copia del Wiimote e la copia del nunchuck) e funzionerà con PlayStation Eye, la telecamera per PS3 (evoluzione da EyeToy) già in commercio da diversi anni.
Tutto ciò arriverà nei negozi entro la fine del 2010, a prezzi che - se si mantengono su quanto indicato orientativamente in conferenza - secondo me sono interessanti.

Si parla di "sotto $ 100 for the bundle PlayStation PlayStation Eye Move + + game.
is not clear whether this bundle will also nunchuck or if you must buy it separately, or you are familiar with the marketing arrangements of the individual components " .
Some games shown, among other things, provide for the use of two controllers simultaneously.
The key word was "precision", with phrases like "not that it is simply moving his arms like crazy" . The thought in Natal is more than suggested.

However, I wanted a little list 'of stuff mockery, to talk a bit'.

start from the PlayStation Blog post European , showing a video presentation, a flood of images and - ah! - Including an explanation of how you can get close to PlayStation Move. That stuff will be sold as:
- Room + controller + starter disc with demo (this is probably the package from "below 100" that was said before)
- Only those who have Controller for PlayStation Eye (the undersigned would like to thank )
- Console + DualShock 3 + + bedroom Move controller (eccerto)
- Games controller with bundled

The Subcontroller (the nunchuck) is still not included in this talk. : D

In fact, I'd say that's enough for now, anyway.
If I find some other interesting thing around, I add it.

Ring Worm On Testicals

Assocializzazioni Move (Part One - Gmail)

is a life I want to talk about it, but I still think it is a mess, especially in a post on a blog. It's hard because there's lots of stuff to say and it is difficult because a high percentage of things that I would definitely say I've already forgotten or forget (forget now) in the composition of the post.

Yes, but what?

Eh, it's hard even to define.
However, the fact as much as possible to link all their accounts of social networks, blogs, and similar events.
To what end? So, a bit 'on a whim and a little' to improve the spam about their thoughts and their bullshit.

Who knows that I attended for several weeks I'm doing a lot of evidence to that effect.
Among other things, a place like this expecting it to be giopep, we had also talked about, but then the bastard has not written more, I would be very useful. : D

But it was nice anche provare e sperimentare.
Allora, vediamo un po'.

Da dove possiamo cominciare?

Ah, certo, da una cosa valida a prescindere. Io mi faccio account dovunque. Nel Google Doc dove salvo i dati per tutti i miei log-in ho contato una settantina di account. Tra l'altro, anche avere un file del genere è molto importante. Ed è fondamentale averlo su Google Docs, assolutamente.

Ecco, forse questa cosa è ancora più importante di quella che stavo per dire: Google è imprescindibile.
L'account Google is probably the most important of all, because it is an incredible starting point for doing everything else.
And then, oh well, regardless of the discourse of "assocializzazioni," you can not live without Google. Why is now the largest "container" for events online.
I remember the needles on the grill that I asked each time, changing computer, I tried to deliver mail, contacts and filters from side to side. With Gmail is still all there, do not worry about anything.
It is also great the way today's mail is handled by the Gmail client. The discharges, and the law, without "touching". From your computer from the laptop, by phone. I use Windows Live Mail on both fixed and portable. And the client base for mail on the iPhone. All configured with Gmail ("configured": just enter your Google account and you're done). At work I use Gmail directly via the web, because I have a computer and messed up bad. Anyway. Using the same e-mail four "seats" different. If I read a message on your home computer, this will also read about other clients and clearly anywhere. I read a message from the iPhone. I find him contrassengato as read even when access the email from your laptop or computer at work.
My address book? And 'that. I run it through the web with Google Contacts, and I find the same on the phone, the kind that if I change my phone number, or mail to my contact, and I do on the web, this will be changed even on the phone. It is also the vice versa. Change phone? I must not do anything but join my Google Contacts. Change your computer? Same thing.
Oh, and the rules. The filters for incoming mail. You create and manage in the settings of Gmail on the web and there you will find the same on all computers and devices that you use with Gmail.
I think, as I know, to people who are registered to the mailing list. Either that, however, in general, is used to handle incoming mail filters and folders. Maybe on the home computer did everything well ordered. Then he goes to use the same account on the phone and finds everything in the inbox, with a casino that is not used to and he would not.
always using Gmail, this does not happen. Clients are only "mirror" to what is configured on the web. Also with regard to filters, labels, folders and so on.
"Yes, but I use my account Fastweb / Tin / Free / Sarcatz now for a lifetime. My address everyone has one, I'm not going to give it a new round, even in exchange for these conveniences I actually seem interesting. "
can be imported into Gmail POP account. Like, I have my account of Fastweb, and also to work on Gmail. I get mail directly to Gmail, which deletes from the source server and keeps me on Google forever. I can also send mail through Gmail, as if it were the original sender (Fastweb, Tin, work, etc...) Again, a single point of reference (and basically AUTO) for all e of life.

Oh well, I wanted to mention all the linkages between social networks.
But then I got this long introduction about Gmail.
Ok, it means that the first part is this.
you soon!

Monday, March 1, 2010

How To Break Your Foot

incredible 29 February 2010

is surreal.
Many of the early models di PS3 (le slim non hanno avuto alcun problema) sono andati a puttane per un giorno intero, a causa di un errore dell'orologio/calendario interno alla console, che credeva il 2010 un anno bisestile.
29 febbraio o primo marzo?

Questo dubbio ha paralizzato milioni di console, rendendo impossibile a molti giocatori una serie di cose:
- accedere al PlayStation Network;
- sincronizzare o anche ottenere Trofei;
- perfino lanciare giochi, in alcuni casi.

La cosa sembrerebbe essersi risolta (in automatico), ma io ho ancora paura ad accendere la mia console. :D

Nel frattempo, Web gamers have enjoyed greatly, the apocalypse is always a very cool, there were only zombies.