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Sunday, December 19, 2010

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Cuba non nega più gli sbarchi lunari. Ma lo ha mai fatto? [UPD 2011/01/23]

Paul Attivissimo with the contribution of GDP * Alessandro, Stefano Bagnasco, Henry R., Smiley1081, NoiPBX and Zaku. The article was updated after initial publication.

In my book Moon? Yes, we went there! and in my lectures I pointed out that Cuban teachers in the various countries where they work as teachers (eg in Nicaragua), explained to students that the U.S. human on the moon landings were a hoax. The source of this figure I mentioned is the historian James Oberg astronautics.

Oberg talked about in his 2003 article, entitled Lessons of the "Fake Moon Flight 'Myth , pubblicato sullo Skeptical Enquirer di marzo/aprile di quell'anno:

... molte scuole cubane, sia a Cuba sia dove venivano assegnati insegnanti cubani, come nel Nicaragua sandinista, hanno insegnato ai propri studenti che l'Apollo fu una truffa.

...many Cuban schools, both in Cuba and where Cuban schoolteachers were loaned, such as Sandinista Nicaragua, taught their students that Apollo was a fraud.

Oberg aveva già fatto un'affermazione simile nel 1999, in occasione del trentesimo anniversario dello sbarco dell'Apollo 11 sulla Luna, in un articolo per la ABC News, intitolato Getting Apollo Right :

Mi dicono che questo is the official dogma that is still taught in schools in Cuba and in all other places where Cubans were sent to teachers (such as Sandinista Nicaragua and Angola).

I'm Told That this is official dogma still Taught in schools in Cuba, plus wherever else Cuban teachers Have Been Sent (Such as Sandan, Nicaragua and Angola).

Asked about his sources for these statements, in 2003, Oberg has responded to Bautforum to have "three posts - two via email and a letter - in the last five years, each by different people, who say that when they were kids in Cuba this is what their teachers told them. The Cuban officials deny that it never happened. I think it probable that it was widespread, I do not know if it was in the official curriculum - teachers but Castro did not express their views independently in Cuban schools ":

I have three messages - two by email and one letter - over the past five years, Each from different folks Saying When They Were Kids In Cuba, that's what Told Them Their teachers. Cuban Officials deny it ever Happened. I think it's Likely It Was Widespread, I do not know if it Was on the official curriculum - But Castro's teachers did NOT freelance Their personal opinions in Cuban schools.

Apparently these statements Oberg, dating back to seven and eleven years ago, oggi non sono più validate. Pochi giorni fa, Infatti, il governo Cuba has lanciato Écuras, similar to the Wikipedia online un'enciclopedia Controllata ma dalle locali Authority, and in quest'enciclopedia sbarchi gli vengono delle Missioni Apollo descritti dati di fatto come. The Moon voce di che Écuras Infatti says

The Moon is the only celestial body in which man has made a manned moon landing. Although the program's Moon Soviet Union was the first to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft, the Apollo program of U.S. got the only manned missions to date, starting con la primera órbita lunar no tripulada por el Apolo  8 en 1968 , y seis alunizajes tripulados entre 1969 y 1972 , siendo el primero el Apolo  11 en 1969 .

Ecured conferma, insomma, non solo il concetto che lo sbarco sulla Luna è realmente avvenuto, ma conferma specificamente il primo volo circumlunare (Apollo 8), il primo sbarco (Apollo 11) e i successivi.

Anche la voce riepilogativa del 1969 non lascia spazio a dubbi a luglio:

16 de julio - Es lanzada desde la base aerospacial de Cabo Cañaveral a las 9:32AM la nave Apolo 11 que sería la Descender primera en la Luna en cinco días, tres horas y 18 minutos después Levy 9.

20 de julio - Pisa la Luna a las 22:56 h, el estadounidense Neils Armstrong astronaut.

Ecured data should be taken with a pinch of caution, as the project is still in its infancy: when I wrote the initial draft of this article (December 2010), contained errors as Ecured Neils Armstrong (with S final), the link that leads to Apolo information about Greek gods rather than on the spacecraft and the claim that the Apollo 8 mission was unmanned (no tripulada ) when in fact there were on board Jim Lovell, Frank Borman e Bill Anders.

Ci sono anche altre indicazioni secondo le quali il governo cubano attualmente non sostiene le tesi di messinscena lunare e anzi sembra non averlo mai fatto: per esempio, cita la messa in onda alla TV cubana, nel 1999, di un documentario celebrativo degli sbarchi. Un articolo sul sito cubano Juventud Rebelde , datato 2007, cita specificamente e con scetticismo le tesi lunacomplottiste, attribuendole ad “alcuni che dubitano” :

Ya en marzo de 1965 otro cosmonauta soviético, Alexei Leonov, fue el primero en salir de una nave al espacio abierto; mientras que el 20 de julio de 1969 el estadounidense Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the Moon in a live broadcast that saw more than 500 million people around the world, and still some doubt whether it was real, arguing that it was a farce mounted propaganda purposes. The

il concetto stesso ribadisce site in a articolo 2009, presenting di di nuovo anche i Dubbie "molto persone" sull'autenticità degli sbarchi:

The Moon, the only satellite of the Earth, our bodies nearest star, has been for millennia a mystery. At least he was until July 16, 1969, when three American astronauts aboard Apollo XI were able to 'land on the Moon "for the first time in history. Controversial and contentious journey, many question if it really was or was not, and some suggest that when the American flag was raised at the brother asteroid, actually it was a well made scenography in the middle of the escalation of the War Cold.

A articolo its , Scoperta Dedicato alla sulla Luna di acqua e datato 2010, Apollo senza appointment will make dubitative Missioni:

"In our study, we focused our attention on the hydroxyl radical, a molecule composed of a oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom, and apatite, a mineral que contiene agua”. Los astronautas de las misiones Apolo de la NASA trajeron muestras de ese mineral encontradas en la superficie del satélite natural. También ha sido detectado en un meteorito de procedencia lunar.

Lo stesso sito include anche un altro articolo , sempre datato 2010, che cita le missioni Apollo senza metterle in discussione.

Più in generale, una ricerca delle parole luna e apollo nei siti cubani effettuata da un lettore, Zaku, e ripetuta da me usando la grafia Apolo adottata spesso dai siti di quel paese, produce risultati che danno per assodato che gli americani siano effettivamente sbarcati sulla Luna (criticandone il costo). The same

Zaku has found other sources: an article of 2009 signed by Carlos Rivero at, divided into three parts (a , two, three ), which supported the thesis of staging and now it has disappeared, another article on, presenting the thesis lunacomplottiste but also some denial, including that of the Cuban cosmonaut Arnaldo Tamayo, and the online version of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which presumably was not lacking in schools Cuban and whose page dedicated to Apollo not deny at all.

Several readers of my blog Disinformatico personally have also collected several testimonianze di cubani che affermano che non c'è mai stato nessun appoggio governativo cubano alle tesi di complotto. Inoltre c'è una testimonianza (non confermata) di una diretta radiofonica dello sbarco del 1969 trasmessa all'epoca dalla radio cubana. Infine un lettore, Enrico R., mi segnala che come assistente di volo fa sempre capolino a Cuba e avendo molti amici e colleghi cubani può “confermare che da sempre tutti sono a conoscenza che la luna è stata conquistata” .

Due lettori, tuttavia, hanno raccolto testimonianze contrastanti: Smiley1081 segnala una sua “amica cubana, da molti anni in Italia” who requested from him, "confirms that in Cuba, denied that the U.S. had actually gone to the Moon" . NoiPBX cites his "esteemed colleague of Cuban origin (now fifty)" that

"points out that actually, at the time of landing, was given the news as U.S. propaganda operation and then the teacher told the event As further evidence of bad faith USA. After the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the death of "Che" - mid-90s (1995?) - And without that there was publicized, the then Minister of Cuban culture (can not remember the name) have tacitly accepted the presence and movement Publications that told of the various lunar missions (some also on file with the state libraries in the original Russian language with translations). My colleague (from left Cuba in early 2000) points out that towards the end of the 90 events related to the lunar landings were not mentioned by teachers in schools so that children did not know at the time these events. "

summary, there is evidence consistent with those collected by James Oberg and others to the contrary, both personal and documentary. It is therefore possible that Cuba has never officially denied the lunar missions, which has decided not to deny the most recent years or that some teachers have made zealous anti-American propaganda staff.

resolution would be to find a document or a book of Cuban vintage textbook showing what was actually taught. While waiting for definitive evidence of this kind, denied the allegation that Cuba's moon landing is to be taken with doubtful formula is thus no more mention in the conference and will correct my book to reflect this.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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L'oggetto misterioso avvistato dalla Gemini VI

Paul Attivissimo

on the Internet and other media are often proposals alleged communications records of astronauts who report sightings of mysterious unidentified flying objects during their space missions. Usually they are false made intentionally to mock or parody (as in the case of 'Apollo 20 or Alternative 3). It does not happen often, however, to find an authentic communication of astronauts who report mysterious objects.

While Gemini 6 mission, which took place between 15 and 16 December 1965, the two astronauts aboard, Wally Schirra ( Shi-rah for the Americans, but Schirra Loco for the inhabitants of the village from Ticino which came from his grandparents) and Tom Stafford, made this amazing radio communication with their colleagues Frank Borman and Jim Lovell's Gemini 7, which was in orbit with them for the first rendezvous between two spacecraft (Without calling):

Gemini VII, Gemini VI is here. We have an object, like a satellite going from north to south, probably in polar orbit. It is a very low trajectory and travels from north to south and has a high rate of ascent. Looks like it might even be a ... Very low. Looks like it might be about to return soon. Been waiting for a ... You could try to let me try to catch that thing ...

Gemini VII, this is Gemini VI. We have an object, looks like a satellite going from north to south, Probably in a polar orbit. He's in a very low trajectory traveling from north to south and has a very high ratio climbing. It looks like it Might even be a ... Very low. Looks like he might be going to re-enter soon. Standy by one ... You Just Might let me try to pick up

That Thing ... This is the version reported in the document Gemini VI Composite Air-to-Ground and Onboard Voice Tape Transcription (page 116, 23:57:30 ). There is another version of this communication, transcribed in Gemini VII Gemini VI PAO Mission Commentary Transcript (section Tape 507, Page 2 , which is on page 1375 of PDF document), which is as follows: Roger

, Houston and Gemini 7. Here is the Gemini 6. We have an object, like a satellite, which runs from north to south, up, into a polar orbit. It is a very low trajectory and viaggia da nord a sud. E ha un elevato coefficiente di forma [o rapporto di snellezza, n.d.t.] . Sembra che potrebbe persino essere una palla di bastoni. È molto basso. Sembra che potrebbe essere in procinto di rientrare presto. State in attesa un [?]; sembra che stia cercando di farci dei segnali.

Roger, Houston and Gemini 7. This is Gemini 6. We have an object, looks like a satelite, going from north to south, up in a polar orbit. He's in a very low trajectory, traveling fran north to south. And, it has a very high fineness ratio. It looks like it might even be a ball of sticks. It's very low; looks like he may be going to reenter pretty soon. Stand by one; it looks like he's trying to signal us.

The sentences are very disturbing and would suggest a visit by an unknown vehicle and driven by intelligence, terrestrial or alien ( "seems to be trying to signal us," ) and can output signals be broadcast ( "You could try to let me try to catch that thing" ). Then there is the mysterious discrepancies in his transcription of these two quotations.

The discrepancy increases if one considers that Schirra himself, in his memoirs intolerance Schirra's Space, said he had also given this sentence even more precise:

I see a command module and eight smaller modules in front. The pilot of the command module is wearing a red suit.

I see a command module and eight smaller modules in front. The pilot of the command module is wearing a red suit.

The apparent UFO mystery, however, makes it clear (at least for those interested in clarity) in the part immediately following the transcripts.

(Jingle Bells played by harmonica and rattles)

S / C 7 - We have also received us, [Gemini] 6.

S / C 6 - It was live, [Gemini] 7, not a tape.

HOUSTON - You're too strong, [Gemini] 6.

S / C 6 - Da Da De Da De.

(Jingle Bells played by harmonica and bells).

S / C 7 - We Got Them Too, 6.

S / C 6 - That Was live, 7; not tape.

HOUSTON - You're Too Much, 6.

S / C 6 - Da Da De Da De .

Credit: Mark Avino / National Air and Space Museum, SI
Schirra and Stafford were able to carry on, without the knowledge of those responsible for the Centre Control of Houston, a small mouth organ and the rattle: this is the mysterious object that emits signals which they speak. The harmonica, Hohner's a Little Lady, is now housed in the Smithsonian museum. According to the curator of the museum Margaret A. Weitekamp, \u200b\u200bthis is the first musical instrument ever played in space.

The CAPCOM in Houston that got the surprise announcement was the candidate for astronaut Elliot See, that was supposed to participate in the Gemini 9 mission but died in a plane crash two months later, in February 1966.

Additional sources: The forgotten dead space programs , , BoingBoing, .