Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vhs-c Naar Dvd Met Apple

...chill out...

There's nothing better after a long busy day than a cup of tea, comfy tops, a pair of your boyfriend's jeans and a good film. So here I am, on the sofa, drinking my tea. All day I was sure it's finally friday- and it's not :( I realy need a weekend, it was a very stressfull week. Sometimes you need a peacefull afternoon to stop for a moment the everyday hustle and bustle and remember how fantastic can be this simple moment of tranquility. I call it celebrating life. Oh! We're talking about celebrating? Tomorrow my friends are organizing  ladies night (the second one for me this week :P), so today I had to chill out to be ready for a ceazy friday night ;) Life is cool!

There is nothing better after a stressful day a cup of tea , top comfortable , a pair of jeans your guy and a good movie . So here I am on the sofa , drinking tea . All Day was convinced that it is now finally Friday - grow old and it is not : ( I really need a weekend , has been a weeks very stressful . Sometimes you need a quiet afternoon to stop for a moment the daily hustle and remember as can be this fantastic simple moment of calm . I call celebrate life . Oh! We are talking about celebrate? Tomorrow my friends are organizing an evening of women ( the second me this week : P) , so today I had to rilassarmi per essere pronta per un venerdì sera da pazze ; ) Life is cool!

(wearing Subdued top and Subdued t-shirt , my boyfirend's jeans, H&M socks, River Island necklace, HI-END ring , Sephora lipstick)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Translation Hawaiian Phrases To English


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Monday, March 7, 2011

Runecape Account With Giftcard

Oh! grey...

I cannot wait untill summer: long, hot and sunny days, full of colors, full of fun and full of ice-creams. Instead it's still rather cold, grey and dull. Even a yellow wall can't stand it any more and, depressed, is loosing color. The world seems a cartoon film, the only thing is that someone forgot to draw a blue sky - there's this blank place instead. It's realy frustrating to see other bloggers- sun tunned, on the beach, showing their new summer clothes - when you still have to put your winter coat on :/ So I decided to put on some warm sweaters and pretend I'm not cold, then I used photoshop to create burdens the sun: P

not take anymore waiting for summer: long days, warm and sunny, colorful, full of fun and full of fruit ice cream. Instead here is still quite cold, gray and off. The wall does not make it more yellow and blue, is losing color. The world seems an animated film, the only thing that is wrong is that someone forgot to draw a blue sky - there's an empty seat. It 'really frustrating to see other bloggers - tan on the beach, showing off their new summer clothes - when I still have to put your coat winter / So I decided to put warm sweaters and pretend that I'm not freezing, then I opened photoshop and added some 'of the sun: P

(wearing: Zara sweater, scarf and boots, River Island skirt, Westrags worn as a tunic top, H & M glasses)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oral Risk Herpes Escort

in love with fashion - give-away

I am so in love with this collection!!! Just look at this delicate dresses, jumpsuits and blouses. Feminity at the pure state, isn't it? And guess what, I'm head over heels with this designs but I'm going to give the opportunity to be in love with fashion also to you! 
You can win £40 Gift Card - here are the rules:
2. Become my follower on Bloglovin , Blogger or Facebook (write me WHERE)
3. Leave me a comment with your e-mail adress!

Simple, right? So do not hesitate and join us! This give-away closes on 11.03 and I will choose a random winner on 12.03 - hurry up!

I'm so in love with this collection! Just look at these delicate dresses, suits and blouses. Femininity at its best, right? And guess what, 'I lost my mind for these creations, but I'm going to give the opportunity di essere in love with fashion anche a voi!  
Potete vincere £ 40 Gift Card - ecco le regole:  

1. Diventate fan di  in love with fashion on Facebook  

2.  Diventa mio seguace su Bloglovin , Blogger o Facebook (where I write)
3. leave me a comment with your e-mail!

Simple, right? So do not hesitate and enter the give-away! It closes the 11.03 and will choose a random winner on 12.03 - hurry!

(Oh If you want an extra entry tell your friends on Facebook or Twitter about it!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Light Platinum Gba Gameshark

L'UFO della Gemini VII: il “bogey” di Frank Borman

di Paolo Attivissimo. Questo articolo è apparso inizialmente nel blog Nufologia .

Un lettore, Luca, mi segnala il caso di uno dei presunti avvistamenti di UFO da parte degli astronauti citati spesso dai siti ufologici : quello di Frank Borman e James Lovell durante la missione Gemini VII, nel dicembre del 1965. L'episodio viene raccontato attribuendo agli astronauti delle comunicazioni radio che parlano inequivocabilmente di un veicolo non identificato e la narrazione è spesso accompagnata dalla fotografia mostrata qui accanto.

La versione di Misteriufo :

Durante la seconda orbita Borman indicates a bright object in front of the capsule, which can not be the rocket, as the latter is also visible through the door. Later are photographed strange bluish light, equipped with vaporous appendices, which pass under the Gemini. For the first sighting, NASA speaks of an unknown vector fragment into orbit, perhaps the remains of a Titan, but the NORAD (the body which follows the routes of every satellite) states: 'and' impossible that remains of a Titan or any other missile can be found in that position ". For the second sighting was talk of lightning in the upper atmosphere.

version of CUN (National UFO Center) italiano :

Nel Dicembre del 1965, anche gli astronauti Gemini James Lovell e Frank Borman videro un UFO nel corso della seconda orbita del loro volo record di 14 giorni.
Borman riportò di aver visto un'astronave sconosciuta poco distante dalla loro capsula. Il Controllo Gemini a Cape Kennedy gli disse che stava osservando
I'ultimo stadio del loro stesso razzo Titan. Borman confermò di poter vedere perfettamente il razzo, ma che poteva vedere anche qualcosa di completamente diverso. Questa comunicazione fu riportata durante il volo di James Lovell sulla Gemini 7:
Lovell: "Oggetto non identificato a ore 10 in alto".
Controllo: "Qui Houston. Ripetete, Sette"
Lovell: "Ho detto che we have an unidentified object at 10 o'clock high "
Control:" Gemini 7, is the actual sighting or a rocket? "
Lovell:" We have several actual sightings. "
Control:" Distance or estimated size? "
Lovell: "We have also seen the rocket."

Aliens Mysteries and also a piece of audio .

Going to check the facts published , the Gemini VII mission took place from 4 to 18 December 1965 and was aboard Frank Borman (commander pilot) and James Lovell (pilot), both in their first spaceflight. The two astronauts established an endurance record that stood for five years.

The archives of NASA provide the ' original audio and the transcript of radio communications the mission, which contains this exchange when it comes to "bogey" , military aviation jargon indicating an airplane enemy or unidentified. It is the only reference to a "bogey" entire transcript of communications to and from Earth. "C" is the commander Borman; "CC" is the Capcom, or the employee to communicate with the astronauts is on the ground, in the control center in Houston.

C Gemini VII here. Houston, how do you read?
CC Loud and clear, VII. Go ahead.
C I have a bogey at 10:00 o'clock high.
CC This is Houston. Say again, VII.
C Said we have a bogey at l0:00 o'clock high.
CC Roger.
CC Gemini VII, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?
C ...
CC Say again, VII.
C Said ... we have several - looks like ... actual sighting.
CC Do you have any more information, estimated dis- tance, or size?
C We also have the booster in sight.
CC Understand you also have the booster in sight. Roger.
C ... there are very many - looks like hundreds of little particles going by from the left out about 3 or 4 miles.
CC Understand you have many small particles going by on the left. At what distance?
C ... looks like ...
CC Roger. Understand they're about 3 or 4 miles away?
C They're past now; they're in a polar orbit.
CC Roger. And understand they were about 3 to 4 miles away?
C That's what it appeared like, or farther.
CC Roger.
CC Gemini VII, Houston. Were these particles in addition to the booster and the bogey at 10:OO o'clock high?
C ...
CC Roger.

( Gemini VII Composite Air-to-Ground and Onboard Voice Tape Transcription, Vol. 1 , pagg. 32-34, da 01:43:17 a 01:45:28)

Il confronto fra la trascrizione che include anche il PAO (l'addetto alle comunicazioni al public) and the piece of audio by and Mysteries Aliens indicates a replacement: the words of the PAO, which are on page 79 of PAO Mission Commentary Transcript are given after that there were several other message exchanges with the astronauts.

The most important thing is that the extrapolation of the phrases out of context makes it seem like a mysterious communication that is not really when you read the entire transcript of communications and you know the mission. He explains it very clearly in the history of astronautics James Oberg Gemini-7: Lessons and Legends - A 30th Anniversary revisit "Formation Flying, "" Lessons Learned "Later, and one" Bogey " (September 15, 1995): One of the aims of the Gemini VII mission was a rendezvous with the second stage of the Titan-2 missile, also arrived in orbit around the Earth.

For a simple need to celestial mechanics, the Gemini VII found himself mixed several times through the cloud of fragments of all sizes spontaneously broken away from the stadium. In orbital space and speed, the absence of air and weight mean that these fragments continue along its trajectory traveling in tandem. What the astronauts saw was simply one more fragment of light coming from its missile. Not for nothing The sighting comes just in conjunction with one of the passages through the cloud of fragments.

Moreover, the tone absolutely relaxed and calm with which the astronauts interact with the control center in Houston indicates that the sighting has nothing extraordinary. If you really had been an alien vehicle, presumably verbal reactions were quite different.

remains to clarify the picture. The first thing you notice is a recurring phenomenon in UFO images: the poor quality and lack of a precise source. Here, too, comes to the rescue James Oberg, who points out in his above-mentioned image analysis, dated 1976 and published in Search Magazine .

This is an altered version, grainy photo S65-63722, taken during the mission. According to the document Earth Photographs From Gemini VI Through XII, is the first frame of a film 24 taken during the seventy-seventh revolution around the Earth, December 9, 1965 at 21:51 GMT, and then several days after the alleged sighting, above the 'Western Pacific Ocean.

Scan courtesy of Ed Hengeveld, Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.

The original version of this image, presented above, shows realtà il muso (scuro e in ombra) della capsula, sul quale si vede il riflesso metallico sfuocato degli ugelli dei piccoli razzi di regolazione d'assetto del veicolo spaziale. La forma del muso e la posizione degli ugelli è chiarita da questa fotografia di un rendezvous fra le capsule Gemini 6 e 7.

Foto NASA S65-63194.

La fotografia ufologica è stata insomma alterata, in modo che il muso scuro si confonda con la Terra altrettanto scura che si vede sullo sfondo, e poi capovolta e ritagliata.

The reflection of the nozzles can be seen in other photographs of the Gemini missions, like the one shown below, the S65-45753, referring to the Gemini V.

An even clearer example of how the nozzles of the engines operating shine when the nose of the Gemini capsule is in shadow or penumbra is given by S66-63 060 photos, taken from the Gemini XII mission and dated November 14 1966:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Strep Cause Anxiety


Helloooooo, what's going on here?!?!? It's raining since saturday non stop! It looks like armagedon - a great deluge. Noah! Are you there, I think we will need you once again. What's more I got flu and now tissues, hot cacao and blankets keep me company. But maybe it's better this way since outside the weather is so dull.
I don't think you want to see me in pijama so I'm showing you some new things in my wardrobe. I love the soft colors! Say "hi" to my new dress, t-shirt and oversized top!

Helloooooo , but what's going on here ?!?!? last Saturday is that it's raining non-stop ! seems armageddon - a universal deluge. Noah! Are you there? , believe that you will once again help . If this were not enough I influence and hours handkerchiefs, cocoa hot and blankets are my only company . But perhaps is better so because out the weather is so horrible. No n I want to see me in pigama so I monster some new things I in my closet . I love the soft colors ! Please welcome the new arrivals: a dress, a t-shirt e un maglione!

( pleated old rose dress, grey t-shirt, bottoned oversized top - Subdued , moose - Pentik)

Oh!!! if you're on Bloglovin - don't forget to click on " Like on bloglovin " botton ;)))

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nadine Jansen & Melian

Kiss me

Oh! I love the neon colors trend and the bold make ups of the spring summer season. I want to try some neon green eyeliner! 
Today the weather so gloomy Was That It Was Almost impossible to resist and not to add burdens to this gray-colored atmosphere. Since I have a neon pink lipstick - a perfect color for Barbie - I HAD no choice and I HAD to use it! :) Sweet bubble gum color - It Seems to scream: KISS ME! :)
Oh! I love the trend of fluorescent colors and a strong make-up of the season spring / summer. I want to try a fluorescent green eyeliner!
Today the weather was so sad that it was impossible to resist and do not add a little 'color on this gray day. Since I had a fluorescent pink lipstick - perfect color for Barbie - I had no choice and had to use it! :) Sweet candy color - seems to cry out: BACIA MI!!! :)

(wearing pink Sephora lipstic, H&M jacket and scarf, Gemmelli dress, Calzedonia tights, River Island shoes, Zara bag, Swatch Lady watch and fox tail - Dolls Kill )

Ok, ok ... I think that all you want to know is the name of the winner of Mili Jewels give-away.
Si, si .... lo so che l'unica cosa che vi interessa è il nome del vincitore del Mili Jewels give-away.

Congratulations MONICA :)))

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Design Pir Sensor Circuit

summer - i'm waiting for you

Tic toc tic toc...summer is comming. Even if outside it is sill freezy and windy, the clock is ticking and the summer time is near! And what is better to make the waiting less difficult if not some summer shopping?! Maybe you will think I'm creazy to buy swimming suit from in the middle of February, but I asure you that it is better than Prozac for the winter depression. After long snowy months when you open your mail box and see a pack from Westrags  with this summer piece inside you think: finally! :) So girls, let's go some web shopping and get ready for hot, sunny days! A pair of sandals, a swimming suit and a fox tail to add to your jeans shorts! :))))
If you want to know my fav shops for some web shopping see the side bar on my blog! ;)

Tic toc tic toc...l'estate si avvicina. Anche se fuori ancora tira il vento freddo, l'orologio non sbaglia e l'estate is near! What's better to sweeten the wait if not a little 'retail therapy? You probably think I'm crazy - buy the costume in mid-February, but I assure you that it's better than Prozac for depression in winter. After long months full of snow, when you open your mail and see a pack of Westrags with a costume in Think: Finally! :) So girls, do a little 'web shopping and prepare for hot sunny days! A pair of sandals, a bathing suit and a tail pantalloncini to attack the pair of jeans:)))
If you want to know what are my favorite stores on-line you see the bar latterale del mio blog! ;)

(wedges - Bershka, swimming suit and the dress - Westrags , flower pin - H&M, fox tail - Dolls Kill , bag - DC)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Install An Oakley Shield Riddell Helmet

My new Neon

Yes, finally we bought a new camera and finally the photos made in the evening and at home Have a decent quality. Apart from the new room I have a new neon in my wardrobe. This yellow top is my newest find. I must say it's Better Than That coffee. This vibrant color Gave me energy all day:) I think I'm going to buy more, maybe Some orange and pink?

Yes, we finally bought a new camera, and finally the pictures taken at night and at home have a decent quality. Apart from the new machine, I have a new baby in my wardrobe. This yellow top is my new discovery. I must say that is better than a coffee. Its bright color gives you energy throughout the day. :) I plan to buy more, maybe some orange or pink?

(wearing: Zara moccasins, vintage jeans, H&M yellow top, my boyfriend's sweater, River Island necklace and HI-END ring)