Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nadine Jensen Y Milena Velva

"BLUE" - 1 Yahweh, 1 wheel, 1 hit!

Luca D'Amore has BLUE on You Tube

TERNO BLUE 68 89 48 XX * wheel and all
Quaterna 68 65 28 32 XX * wheel and all

FORECASTING VALID for the extraction of Saturday, March 12 2011
* To find the wheel nvia an SMS with the text in BLUE 4882824 - subscription service

LottoBLU is a subscription service reserved for adults provided by JM SpA and promoted by Telenet and available for guests Tim, Vodafone, WIND and 3. The cost is 5 euro per week (taxes included) for clients Tim, Vodafone, Wind and 3, for a maximum of 3 SMS per week . Ii Cost of SMS request registration: Tim grautito, the cost of 'SMS application on operator TIM return from 04/10 to 12.40 cents inc., Wind: 12.4 cents and 50 cents from Italy from abroad Vodafone and 3 seconds plan. Customer Care: 02896340007 (9:00 to 9:00 p.m.). Off: BLUE STOP 4882824

BLUE is a brand new online service that allows you to take advantage of the speed of sending and receiving SMS.
The forecast is then updated by our experts, Lot immediately after extraction of the evening and the next morning, arriving on the mobile phone subscribers of the service.
The extremely rapid sending and processing, allows us to play ONE DRY TERNO to "blow" valido quindi per una sola estrazione, con l'aggiunta di alcune giocate OMAGGIO , sempre da giocare a colpo.

Il terno BLU è rapido, economico, semplice, ma soprattutto FORTUNATO!


Scopri come, CLICCA QUI!

Attraverso il nostro impegno, la nostra esperienza pluri ventennale e l’efficacia delle nostre procedure matematico-statistiche, operiamo affinché i nostri clienti giochino in modo corretto e responsabile e che, per tutti, il gioco sia un vero divertimento, ma non possiamo garantire la Win: random factor in the game is paramount.

This is a list of TERNI won in the last 12 months, the "team" of our ten COLLABORATORS.

Wins are all certified, as it's published predictions "in the clear" on the site and thus available to everyone.

10/03/11 WON TERNO 37 27 17 PALERMO
28/12/10 WON TERNO 84 57 30 TORINO
27/12/10 VINTO TERNO 57 12 66 NAPOLI
23/12/10 VINTO TERNO 21 75 84 PALERMO
30/11/10 VINTO TERNO 71 81 61 NAPOLI
13/11/10 VINTO TERNO 71 61 11 PALERMO
09/11/10 VINTO TERNO 45 15 90 VENEZIA
19/10/10 VINTO TERNO 52 57 53 CAGLIARI
17/08/10 VINTO TERNO 18 90 54 TORINO
12/08/10 VINTO TERNO 31 67 49 VENEZIA
17/06/10 VINTO TERNO 36 66 06 VENEZIA
12/06/10 VINTO TERNO 10 16 14 ROMA
15/05/10 VINTO TERNO 52 30 63 VENEZIA
11/05/10 VINTO TERNO 77 70 07 MILANO
08/05/10 VINTO TERNO 08 66 41 VENEZIA
03/05/10 VINTO TERNO 74 41 63 NAPOLI
17/04/10 VINTO TERNO 18 36 54 CAGLIARI
15/04/10 VINTO TERNO 61 52 15 BARI

10/04/10 VINTO TERNO 18 81 63 VENEZIA
11/03/10 VINTO TERNO 49 29 79 GENOVA
09/03/10 VINTO TERNO 31 46 76 BARI

Per maggiori informazioni
Luca D'Amore
393-9205130 e-mail
skype damore.luca


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