Sunday, October 24, 2010

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L'importanza di un buon risveglio

of Rodri

Terry Watson Photo: Terry Watson, Apollo GNC. Courtesy of Luigi Rosa (2010).

There are people who give great importance to a good morning awakening, especially if they are making a nice and quiet sleep, and he who can, do so to awaken is one of his favorite songs.

and space?

As an alternative to that offered an alarm clock tic toc its sole and absolute noise in space, there was only the croaking voice of someone calling to wake the astronauts: the so-called Wakeup Call. Until one day someone decided to wake them up in a more sweet: it was December 16, 1965, and the astronauts of the Gemini 6 mission was svegliati sulle note di Hello Dolly , interpretata da Jack Jones, uno dei più celebri cantanti di quel periodo.

Durante il volo della Gemini 7 la wakeup call musicale fu fatta, anche se non tutti i giorni, con pezzi di musica classica, sempre differenti, mentre nelle missioni Gemini 8, 10 e 11 non risulta esser stato trasmesso alcun brano. Incuriosisce anche il non trovare indicazioni di sveglie musicali nella missione Apollo 11, anche se altre missioni Apollo ne ebbero, come indicato da documenti NASA . Presso potete sentire alcune delle wakeup call tratte dalle più recenti missioni Shuttle.

La sveglia musicale è diventata una customary in almost all missions, including promote the spirit of camaraderie among the astronauts and Mission Control personnel. On several occasions, the last day of the mission was to be sent Going back to Houston Dean Martin.

To understand how this alarm has become tradition over time iron, just think that was even sent to automatic Pathfinder rover, Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, at the dawn of the Martian Sol. There is however one exception to this tradition: ISS astronauts do not get any wake-up music, you have to settle for an ordinary alarm clock, because I am still allowed to bring in some personal effects, including music CDs.

The choice of pieces sent, however, has never been regulated by NASA, nor has ever left at the mercy of outside influences that were not the wishes of the astronauts themselves or their families. Some

rule was needed?

At the end of the Apollo missions, with the advent of the Skylab missions of the Seventies, which included a prolonged stay in space and were long and difficult even for those who must monitor, Mission Control operators increasingly felt the weight of hours spent their respective positions, with the result that the relaxation of the environment and the seriousness ebbe culmine nella notte del 15 settembre 1973, mentre si cercava l'idea per la wakeup call .

Il CapCom Bob Crippen venne raggiunto dall'amico e collega Terry Watson (nella foto, tratta dal recente incontro a Lugano ), che gli disse "Ho qualcosa che sveglierebbe anche i morti" . Ascoltando in cuffia il pezzo, Crippen fece una faccia da coniglio abbagliato dai fari, gridando poi "Sì! Sì!" e ridendo fino a diventare viola. Il collegamento audio fu poi passato al Direttore di Volo, tra la curiosità di tutti gli altri operatori, che non sentendo nulla non capivano cosa stesse succedendo. Lo capirono quando venne dato l'ordine di diffondere la canzone nell'intera room: it was decided to be a wakeup call transmitting Paralyzed The Legendary Stardust Cowboy (a more recent, dated 2009, Paralyzed by its author is available here on Youtube ).

Among the systems of the Skylab space station was managed by Watson 's Attitude Control System, the attitude control system which kept the station stable and oriented in the desired direction. This system was sensitive enough to detect the normal movement of the astronauts inside the station and report in Houston. That morning, Watson said, when it was played Paralyzed data reported a genuine jolt.

This alarm is remembered for being the most fun (for the operators of Houston) but also more traumatic (for the astronauts of Skylab III, which included Moonwalker Alan Bean). Among the protests of the early astronauts (remarks of Owen Garriott was "Sounded like Marine Close Order Drill" ), comments made during the day and the apparent loss of concentration that caused them the joke, NASA ordered categorically that Paralyzed was never transmitted between the most wakeup call . It appears that the only song banned by the U.S. space.

Sources: Terry Watson (personal communication, October 2010), .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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La bizzarra storia di una Playmate lunare

Paul Attivissimo

In 1969, during the excursion of the lunar mission Apollo 12 Alan Bean and Pete Conrad, the cuff checklist (notebooks ring worn on the wrist of the suits and carrying the lineup of operations to be performed) revealed a particular surprise: arid inserted between the pages of arcane acronyms and procedures there were photographs of naked Playboy Playmate . The episode is documented photographically by NASA and is described in detail in my book Moon? Yes, we went there! , free download.

The girl portrayed in the cuff checklist page shown above, for example, Angela Dorian, Miss September 1967 Playboy's and Playmate of the Year in 1968. The Dorian had a small part in the famous movie Rosemary's Baby by Roman Polanski and starred in the less famous When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth Val Guest ( When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth , 1969).

A little gem nota agli appassionati di vicende spaziali e di fantascienza è che Angela Dorian interpretò anche una parte nella Serie Classica di Star Trek : era la forma umana di Isis, il gatto dell'agente alieno Gary Seven nell'episodio Missione Terra ( Assignment: Earth , 1968). La brevissima apparizione non è citata nei titoli del telefilm, ma è riportata nella sua scheda in Wikipedia inglese e nel suo profilo nell'Internet Movie Database , che sono sotto un altro nome usato dall'attrice, Victoria Vetri.

Per una curiosa coincidenza, la puntata di Star Trek in cui compare Angela Dorian è proprio quella che utilizza delle scene dei Saturn V launches first carriers of the Apollo project to simulate a nuclear missile. The appearance of Dorian

episode can be found in this excerpt, which also appears Teri Garr, who many will remember as an interpreter of Frankenstein :

Unfortunately Angela Dorian has returned to the news yesterday for unpleasant reasons: the actress, now sessantaseienne, is accused of attempted murder against the companion, to which he fired a pistol during a domestic dispute, hitting him in the chest. The man was hospitalized and is not in danger of life. The Dorian is now in jail and faces a life sentence if the charges will be confirmed ( ; ; CBS News).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

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Moondream: prime immagini di Aldrin e Stagno ad Avezzano

Paul Attivissimo

The shots I made in Avezzano at the presence of Buzz Aldrin is still under embargo pending permission to publish, but in the meantime by the Festival of astronomy and science comes this assembly some images, entitled Moondream .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Falsa roccia lunare olandese, Jarrah White chiede chiarimenti a Buzz Aldrin

Paul Attivissimo

Jarrah White, noto per le sue tesi lunacomplottiste (citate dal collega Bart Sibrel e ampiamente pubblicate su Youtube , dove si atteggia a novello James Bond), ha partecipato a una recente conferenza stampa di Buzz Aldrin tenutasi in Australia. Questo è il suo video, nel quale lamenta di essere stato dipinto dai giornali come una persona in cerca di attenzioni ma mostra anche l'elegante risposta di Aldrin.

Dal dialogo, peraltro assolutamente civile, si nota che Aldrin non è al corrente della vicenda del pezzo di legno pietrificato spacciato per campione di roccia lunare in Olanda (descritta in this article of mine), but makes it clear two important things. First, if someone has replaced a moon rock with a piece of petrified wood, the faces are not responsible for the lunar astronauts, and still does not mean that they went to the moon. Second, the lunar rock samples delivered by the crew of Apollo 11 to the authorities of various countries around the world were encapsulated within the transparent plastic, while the "moon rock" Dutch is not. So it is very likely that this is a hoax that has nothing to do with the Apollo program but has been packaged by third parties (for example from the Dutch artists who did "emerge" from the archives of the Rijksmuseum).

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La conferenza lunare di Varese

Paul Attivissimo

Saturday, October 9 last year I presented my lecture on the moon conspiracy Space scopriCoop Varese. The meeting was organized by Academia Philosophiae Naturalis, SETI ITALY "Cocconi G." and Coop Lombardy under the patronage of FOAM13, Foundation Astronomical Observatory of Messier 13 Tradate CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal), UAI (Union of Italian Amateur Astronomers), Zero Gravity (science) and (bad) science on TV. Bruno Moretti Turri, the moderator of the meeting, he published his shooting. Here is the First part:

The other parts are available on . A quick review of the meeting is available on .

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Foto Apollo "false" anche nei libri moderni

Paul Attivissimo, with the help of Diego Cuoghi

In a previous article I pointed a vintage example of how the Apollo photographs were published in the years immediately following the events in the form significantly degraded and retouching that may have contributed greatly to a sense of artificiality or alter real that would fuel the argument for staging. However

Cuoghi Diego, author of Moon Hoax? No thanks! , tells me that there is also a modern case-editing rather striking: the book Full Moon by Michael Light, published by Mondadori in Italy under the title Luna in 1999. Cuoghi cites, for example, the photo number 70 of the book (the pages are not numbered). This is a partial scan of the picture as presented in Full Moon.

This however, is the original photo, the AS15-85-11470, published by NASA here and available in much higher definition and cropped at (get this latest version is a bit 'complicated Cuoghi the offer directly to your website here ).

The comparison reveals a striking and controversial digital image processing, subject perhaps to give drama to a photograph taken with the aim of only documented. The most observant will also notice the elimination of a real detail: the stone from the rover's wheels, shown below.

Explain Cuoghi: "[Michael Light] has closed all the shadows turning them into a single black spot, e tutto il contorno dell'astronauta e del Rover sul fondo nero è alonato, come se in stampa (faccio sempre l'esempio della camera oscura) avessero esagerato con l'esposizione della carta. Queste foto non sono state stampate su carta e poi scansionate, sarebbe assurdo, ma l'effetto è quello. In digitale si può ottenere con PhotoShop, lavorando su diversi livelli sovrapposti, uno sfocato che scurisce il sottostante, poi uno esageratamente contrastato che si sovrappone parzialmente, poi un altro.... Insomma bisogna lavorarci molto per rovinare in quel modo "pittoresco" una foto scientifica."

Cuoghi nota che quasi tutte le fotografie in bianco e nero hanno lo stesso "effettaccio" , while the color "have suffered, I think, only a high contrast." He also cites the photographs 75 and 76, compared with the original ( AS15-82-11102 and AS15-90-12233 ): "Just look at how the poor were reduced shadows: the depths of black 100% , gray and white shot non-existent when originals are full of nuances and details. And always fuzzy halo below, to make sense of artifacts and dirt ... maybe the originals were too realistic, not sufficiently attractive , glamor, shocking. "

Find incomprehensible "the heavy processing that are in what is considered one of the best recent picture books about the Apollo missions. " He adds: " A lot of black and white photos were processed to make it more "dramatic" with an incomprehensible abuse of contrast mixed with pulping details, feathered edges as if they were were cropped with the airbrush, shades closed, lights burned ... The comparison with the best original scans published in the NASA sites is daunting. The author confesses that he spoke only four photos' deleting using a digital some small parts for cosmetic reasons, 'but it is not, the pictures ruined with that black and white "quaint and charming" are many more. "

Michael Light's book, in short, has the advantage of rekindling interest in the Apollo lunar missions, but does so by sacrificing the authenticity and realism. it must be considered more as art book as an objective document of the moon landing.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Contact Light in versione preliminare

More than 370 fans donors who have contributed so far to the project Moonscape can finally see the first fruits of their participation: the preliminary version of Contact Light, the prequel of Moonscape .

find all the details, technical notes and plans for later in the article about Moonscape Project. Enjoy.