Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gay Cruising Places Syracuse,ny

Saturday on Sunday I could not sleep.
Yes, it always goes to bed late, very late on weekends, but it was seven and a half ago when I went to bed and stayed there until a quarter to ten, unable to sleep.
auks I got up.

Gulma not snoring, but not normally the noise does not bother me if I sleep.
I do not take stimulants. The last coffee was the night before. What the fuck
is it? It is the very first time I've ever during this period.
I thought about cigarettes, is it possible?

Anyway, I went to bed at six-thirty on a Sunday afternoon, and then get up at six o'clock Monday morning. Let's see what happens tonight.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zeo Hair Straightener

Insomnia I did not know (calendar)

I found out looking a bit 'of chatter on the net. You can synchronize your calendar
iPhone / iPod Touch (which is precisely the core application calendar) with Google Calendar.
One thing that I took for granted, but that using the application not so readily apparent.

So, as you do.

- You go to Settings.
- You select "E-mail, contacts, calendars."
- Choose "Add Account ...".
- Choose "Other" (Other, lol, always beautiful Italian translations. "Other Accounts".): D
- In the Calendars section at the bottom, click "Add CalDAV account.
- As you enter server and fill the rest of the fields (user name, password, etc. - clearly with the info about your Google Account).
- click on "Next" at the top right and waiting for quick check of your data.


now launched the Calendar application.
in the Calendar section you can choose which view, including those in local (iPhone / iPod) and those of Google. Or, you can choose to display all the existing calendars.

At this point, every time you create or modify an event while you are on iPhone / iPod, after a few seconds it will automatically sync with Google Calendar (it is clearly necessary to have a connection).
Similarly, if you create or edit an event by Google, I end up on your device.

Beautiful story, I did and I noticed that many other users iPhone / iPod Touch were not aware of. So it has a completely different way, using the calendar via the iPhone.

Toe Swilollen After 3 Days Of Pedicure

The history of yellow cow

In fact, the yellow cow is a false story. The cow in our history
believed to be yellow, but it was a normal cow, a little 'white and very brown.
The yellow cow believed to be living with twelve other cows in a paddock.
is likely that the fence was to a farm and had also a very precise location, type in the country Tuscan (perhaps even more precise than that).
But it does not matter, because the yellow cow, from that fence, there was never released.
The other twelve cows!
The other twelve cows and out of the fence, always accompanied by those of the farm (yes, then the farm is confirmed), which then were quiet people.
Their only fault, at least according to the cow that was believed to be yellow, it was much more to cure the other twelve cows.

Anyway, not to pull too long, at the end of the cow that died was believed to be yellow.
Eh, well, understood.

Phone Directory, Kerala


course I could do it, an upgrade of Blogger to make you put the "Continue ..." to break the post.

Then he says that one uses WordPress.
No, why fiddle around with html can like, eh.

But to me, infece, sucks.
And then at least the photos that go directly to where the cursor is located.
But at least!

Rehydrate Sugar Salt Lemon Juice Water

"Thank you, Mario" (cited above) will play the Zerg

My friend Mario Doni has made Mave iPhone Theme for backgrounds and Proposal Ualone Soros. I see them all
I like them because they "respect the platform for intelligent spaces which are designed, a bit 'as it was when the Radar Audio for PS3 wallpaper for the XMB with the guides.

As you see, is gone along with so much orange unlock the movement of the keyboard, while above a thinner line is the background to the net bar and watch the line.

Ikusa Otome Suvia - 04 Free Stream

Of course I can change my mind 10 times only during the beta. But I think I'll play the zerg.
I'm not going to be Starcraft, I come from Warcraft III, and I have always said that the Undead, my favorite race (and the only one that had learned to use at least decently), "are a bit 'in the Zerg Warcraft. "
Ok, so now we play with real Zerg.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To Be A Friend Initiation Ideas


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Dora Backpack Pattern

the fly

Una foto volante.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

The Best Tattoo Concealer


Il gancio.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Streaming Jenna Loves Pain


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Granny Bukake In Heels

Always provolone.

Esso gesso.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Free Power Ranger Clip Art

But for example ...


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Brazilian Laser Las Vegas

Capatonda Maccio - EXTRAORDINARY without comment Gialappa's