Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why Propane Needs A Regulator

The altercation Orlando

Paul Attivissimo

Anyone who has followed the first moon landing live on television RAI recalls the famous spat between the two reporters, Tito Stagno and Ruggero Orlando, when it really happened on contact with the lunar soil. An argument which covered historical phrases communications from the Moon.

I recently spoke of the matter with Tin (Orlando is no longer with us) and this will report shortly. Intanto vorrei proporvi un video che ricostruisce le comunicazioni degli astronauti coperte dalla discussione fra Stagno e Orlando, utilizzando l'audio originale ricevuto direttamente dalla Luna presso la stazione di ascolto australiana di Honeysuckle Creek, concessomi gentilmente da Colin Mackellar.

Se lo ascoltate in stereofonia, sul canale destro trovate l'audio diretto dalla Luna, mentre sul sinistro potete sentire l'audio della RAI. Se seguite con molta attenzione, sentite che Stagno ha in cuffia sia l'audio diretto degli astronauti (che a lui arriva con qualche istante di anticipo rispetto alla diffusione in studio), sia la voce Italian to another person, presumably one of the translators who were studying in the cabins that can be seen behind Pond. The entry labeled

CAPCOM in the subtitles is that of Charlie Duke, who spoke directly to Houston with the astronauts reporting their data telemetry. His "Sixty Seconds" warns the two astronauts that the fuel is running out: there should be a minute before deciding whether to land or to cancel the landing attempt and climb. A dramatic moment that was completely covered in the audio original RAI, the debate between two journalists. The same applies to the call even more imperative "Thirty seconds," and for Duke Armstrong the historic phrase "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle Has Landed" finally listenable as it should.

There is also another gem: the duck by Charlie Duke, overwhelmed with emotion that responds to Armstrong saying "Roger, Twan ..." , then stops and corrects himself: "Tranquility" . This error is usually cut in the documentary novel The Adventure of the first moon landing.

RAI images are also synchronized to the filming of the landing, carried out by a 16mm Maurer camera mounted on the lunar module. The recovery was not available during the live broadcast.

put it all together, These resources give a new vision of the crucial moment of the mission and allow to give a definitive answer to a frequently asked question of anyone who has seen the direct-river, pond or Orlando was right?

The facts are these: the legendary "He touched him!" Tin was given about 55 seconds first ad "Contact light" with which Aldrin pointed out that at least one of the long sensor placed under the feet of the vehicle had hit the lunar surface, on which would rest a few seconds later. Pond also spoke during a break in communications from the Moon, so there was nothing to misunderstand. Ruggero Orlando, however, announced the contact ten seconds after the words of Aldrin. I'm sorry for Tito Stagno, but Orlando was right.

must be said that the sound quality through headphones was that Pond was bad, as you can hear: many syllables are truncated because the astronauts used the VOX - voice sensor - to open their microphones automatically. Moreover, the jargon is really tight astronautical excited at this time, requiring a specific article of explanation, despite the subtitles in the video that I prepared based on the transcript made in the cold from the archives of 'Apollo Lunar Surface Journal .


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