Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pain After Laparoscopy

Playing PlayStation 1 on your computer

Introducing a collection of all the existing tricks for GTA San Andreas.



Life, armor, and $ 250,000
Maximizes the life and 'armor also adding $ 250,000 of his assets. If this trick is inserted while you are inside any vehicle damaged, it will be repaired and returned in perfect condition. Infinite life
Make CJ almost bullet-proof, fire-proof and immune to melee attacks. But you can not survive the explosion, falls from heights, drowning, or investment.

Kill CJ when you have more chances.

adrenaline mode ANOSEONGLASS
slows down the game and gives Carl a force that will allow him resounding di uccidere con due soli pugni.

Ossigeno infinito (abilità apnea) CVWKXAM Nuota sott'acqua senza mai preoccuparti di prendere aria per non rischiare di affogare.

Mai affamato AEDUWNV
Disattiva il sistema di nutrizione di CJ, permettendogli, non solo di non morire per denutrizione, ma di non perdere più peso o massa muscolare.

Muscoli e grasso al minimo KVGYZQK
Clear the bar muscle and fat, making CJ extremely thin and fragile.

grease up BTCDBCB
raise the bar grease, making for CJ obese.

Muscles maximum BUFFMEUP
raise the bar to the muscles, making for extremely muscular CJ

Reset wanted level TURNDOWNTHEHEAT
Removes all-star wanted level current.

increased level of suspicion TURNUPTHEHEAT
2 star Increase the current level of suspicion.

six-star wanted level BRINGITON
Increase the level of suspicion at best, so CJ will be hunted by the police, FBI and the military. Makeup recommended to those who love the risk and adventure.

never sought AEZAKMI
will block level di sospetto. Puoi liberamente fare ciò che vuoi senza che i poliziotti ti inseguano o disturbino. Gli agenti di polizia si comporteranno come dei normali pedoni (purtroppo armati). E' consigliato attivare questo trucco quando non si hanno stelle, in quanto non sarà possibile rimuovere il livello di sospetto attuale.

Statistiche veicoli al massimo NATURALTALENT
Aumenta al massimo le abilità di guida di auto, aerei, moto e bici

Resistenza al massimo VKYPQCF
Aumenta al massimo la barra Resistenza di CJ.

Sex appeal al massimo HELLOLADIES
Aumenta al massimo la barra Sex appeal di CJ.

Rispetto al massimo WORSHIPME
Aumenta al massimo la barra Rispetto di CJ.

Super pugno mortale IAVENJQ
Rende i pugni e i calci talmente potenti da far fuori una persona con un solo colpo. Bisogna però stare attenti perchè anche i pedoni sono dotati di questa capacità.

Super jump
KANGAROO CJ can jump 10 times higher than before. We must be careful to fall, if the height will be lost exaggerated health.

CJ in shorts and sandals, girls in bathing suits, people taking the sun everywhere and sea vehicles around the city.

Funhouse CrazyTown
Replaces pedestrians committed to fast food and clowns, cars with Hotknife, Baggage, Tug, Hotdog, MR. Whoopee, Pizzaboy, BF Injection, and Caddy quadbike (most of these will have hydraulic suspension). CJ wears boxer shorts with hearts, pink hair and funny glasses.

Ninjatown Ninja Mode
All pedestrians are replaced with members of the Mountain Cloud Boys (the triad gang of San Fierro) armed with Katana. The vehicles will be replaced by PCJ-600, BF-400-900 FCR and black. CJ will be armed with a Katana

Mode bdsm BEKKNQV
All pedestrians will be replaced with pimps and prostitutes armed with dildos and rubber phallus. CJ will be dressed as SM, which will attract all the prostitutes in the area. Two types of vibrators, not normally used in the game, will appear with this trick.

All pedestrians will be replaced by Elvis Presley impersonators.

Revolt of pedestrians, just like in the last missions of the game. The buildings are on fire, people run away stealing TVs and other objects, vehicles explode and create riots in the street.

Attack by pedestrians BAGOWPG
All pedestrians follow CJ with the intention of beating him and kill him. This trick can not be disabled.

Attack by pedestrians (armed) BGLUAWML
All pedestrians will be armed and CJ will follow with the intention of killing him. This trick can not be disabled.

Pedestrians armed FOOOXFT
All pedestrians will be equipped with weapons that only use to defend themselves.

Rebellion pedestrians AJLOJYQY
Pedestrians will be armed with any type of weapon and shot at. This trick can not be disabled.

Recruit anyone into your gang (9mm) SJMAHPE
Recruit any pawn in your gang and create a small and powerful army. The recruits, newly recruited, if they are not equipped with a weapon will be automatically equipped with a 9mm.

Recruit anyone into your gang (rocket launcher) ROCKETMAYHEM
Recruit any pawn in your gang and create a small and powerful army. The recruits, newly recruited, unless they are equipped with a weapon will be automatically equipped with a rocket launcher.

Gangs of OGF, the Ballas and Vagos will appear for the entire state of San Andreas. The gang members usually used car guide pedestrians. In addition, the streets will run with Taxi drivers also well armed.

All the gang to control the road BIFBUZZ
Disable traffic and pedestrians leaving the gang in the streets just across San Andreas (Ballas, Vagos, Los Aztecas, Mafia, Triad, Da Nang Boys, Rifa, etc.).. Recommended for those who love war and the confusion

game slows SLOWITDOWN
slows the entire game. To remove the effect and no reported everything to normality will need to enter the trick "Speed \u200b\u200bplay"

Speed \u200b\u200bgame SpeedItUp
speed up the whole game. To remove the effect and rirpotare everything to normality will need to enter the cheat "Slow down the game."

Weapons Effect

Weapons # 1 LXGIWYL
Set 1 Weapons: Knuckles d " steel, Baseball Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro SMG, AK-47, Semi-Automatic Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotov, spray can. PROFESSIONALSKIT
Weapons # 2
Set of 2 weapons: Knife, Desert Eagle, sawn-off shotgun, Tec-9, M4, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher.

Weapons # 3 UZUMYMW
Set of three weapons: Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, Combat Shotgun, SMG, M4, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher heat-seeking, Eplosivi.

Parachute AIYPWZQP
CJ will have a parachute.
level in all weapons PROFESSIONALKILLER
statistics Increases weapon skill level "Killer" thus allowing the use of two weapons simultaneously, a range of "action more extensive, lateral, and more. The weapons are: Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle, Shotgun, shotgun, rifle fighting, machine pistols, SMG, AK-47 and M4.

Infinite Ammo FULLCLIP
Block the number of available ammunition for each weapon, making endless.

Weather and time Effect

Change the tempo, making the sky more clear and serene. TOODAMNHOT
sunny and muggy.

covers the sky with clouds, making it very clear.

Adds creating a gloomy fog.

Change the tempo with rain, thunder and lightning.

Sandstorm CWJXUOC
Activate a storm sand, typical of the desert of San Andreas

fastest time YSOHNUL
the clock speeds of San Andreas: one hour of the game will match two seconds real.

time stuck at 21:00 OFVIAC
Block clock to 21:00 pm. If CJ is arrested or eliminated, the time will stop at 9:00 in the morning.

time locked at midnight NIGHTPROWLER
Blocca l'orologio a mezzanotte. Se CJ viene arrestato o eliminato, l'orario rimarrà fermo a mezzogiorno.

Prestazioni veicoli e traffico Effetto Trucco

Guida instabile
STICKLIKEGLUE Velocizza le auto e rende la sterzata molto sensibile, sarà quindi facile cappottare. Premendo il tasto "H" inoltre le auto salteranno, anzichè suonare il clacson.
Nitro in tutte le auto
Inserts Nitro (NOS) in all vehicles (except motorcycles and bikes) that can be activated by simply pressing the 'Ctrl' key while in the middle.

All vehicles (except motorcycles and bicycles) can fly as maneuverability will be identical to the aircraft.

car floating in the air BUBBLECARS
For any vehicle to float in the air, just hit him with car. This trick can 'be used to reach the maximum height limit. If you love skydiving, hit your car with a helicopter to make it float in the air, and go immediately on board before they fly away once you enter you can reach any height.

Vehicles invisible WHEELSONLYPLEASE
All road vehicles (except motorcycles and bicycles) showing only the wheels are invisible, and people inside the vehicle.

Vehicles blacks IOWDLAC
All vehicles diventano di colore nero.

Veicoli rosa LLQPFBN
Tutti i veicoli diventano di colore rosa.

Veicoli sportivi EVERYONEISRICH
Sostituisce il traffico con auto rare e sportive (come la Turismo, Hotknife, Banshee e altre). Queste auto saranno inoltre più veloci.

Veicoli di campagna FVTMNBZ oppure BMTPWHR
Sostituisce il traffico con veicoli solitamente visti nelle zone rural: Freeway, Wayfarer, Sanchez, Journey, Walton, Linerunner, Tanker, Tractor, Rancher, Ranger Blade and the police (there are two different sequences of buttons with the same effect)

Replaces traffic with vehicles usually used by the poor people of San Andreas. \u0026lt;

Traffic aggressive YLTEICZ
No vehicle will stop and there will be more car chases between people and police.

reduced traffic and pedestrians GHOSTTOWN
The streets and sidewalks are almost no cars and pedestrians.

Traffic lights always green ZEIIVG
All traffic lights are always green.

aim and shoot while driving OUIQDMW
You can aim and shoot while driving a car, just like the gang members are recruited when CJ and shooting from vehicles.

CJ has the ability to make incredible jumps ("Bunny Hop") in BMX over 30 meters high.

Vehicles fatal JCNRUAD
any vehicle CJ is using becomes invulnerable and gains the ability typical of the tank to destroy everything hits at once. This tip is applied to any type of vehicle, from cars to motorcycles and even bicycles BMX

Destroy all vehicles CPKTNWT
activate this cheat all vehicles explode nearby. E 'recommended exit from any type of vehicle before entering this trick if you do not want to perish in the explosion of the vehicle.

boats flyingfish Flying
With this cheat active all the boats take off after reaching a certain speed.

Appearance vehicles Effect

Tanker (tankers) AMOMHRER
Questo trucco fa comparire un Tanker completo di cisterna di benzina. OLDSPEEDDEMON
Bloodring Banger
Vecchia auto utilizzata nello stadio di San Fierro.

Golf Cart a due posti.

Bulldozer dotato di pala meccanica grazie alla quale è possibile liberare la strada con facilità

Hotring Racer #1 VROCKPOKEY
Auto da corsa dello stadio di Los Santos.

Hotring Racer #2 VPJTQWV
Auto da corsa dello stadio di Los Santos.

L'Hunter è l'elicottero militare dell'esercito di San Andreas, è dotato di lanciamissili e mitragliatore.

L'Hydra è un Fighter Jet molto potente a decollo verticale, utile per raggiungere in poco tempo luoghi molto distanti.

Questo trucco fa comparire un Jetpack, il "veicolo" speciale che si ottiene dopo aver completato la missione "Green Goo" affidata da The Truth.

Enorme jeep con ruote spropositate, utile per "attraversare" il traffico o fare acrobazie.

Moto a due posti e quattro ruote adatto a qualsiasi terreno.

Fuoristrada che è possibile trovare nelle zone campestri o nel deserto

Carro armato dell'esercito di San Andreas distruttivo e quasi indistruttibile.

This trick brings up a hearse, occasionally with a coffin inside.

This trick brings up a luxury limousine.

Stuntplane The plane is useful for some acrobatics in the air.

Trashmaster TRUEGRIME
This trick brings up a garbage truck.

Vortex KGGGDKP I organized all the tricks a single downloadable file for free:
hovercraft (air cushion vehicle) that can be used both on land and in water.

Download cheats for GTA San Andreas


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