Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nadine Jansen & Melian

Kiss me

Oh! I love the neon colors trend and the bold make ups of the spring summer season. I want to try some neon green eyeliner! 
Today the weather so gloomy Was That It Was Almost impossible to resist and not to add burdens to this gray-colored atmosphere. Since I have a neon pink lipstick - a perfect color for Barbie - I HAD no choice and I HAD to use it! :) Sweet bubble gum color - It Seems to scream: KISS ME! :)
Oh! I love the trend of fluorescent colors and a strong make-up of the season spring / summer. I want to try a fluorescent green eyeliner!
Today the weather was so sad that it was impossible to resist and do not add a little 'color on this gray day. Since I had a fluorescent pink lipstick - perfect color for Barbie - I had no choice and had to use it! :) Sweet candy color - seems to cry out: BACIA MI!!! :)

(wearing pink Sephora lipstic, H&M jacket and scarf, Gemmelli dress, Calzedonia tights, River Island shoes, Zara bag, Swatch Lady watch and fox tail - Dolls Kill )

Ok, ok ... I think that all you want to know is the name of the winner of Mili Jewels give-away.
Si, si .... lo so che l'unica cosa che vi interessa è il nome del vincitore del Mili Jewels give-away.

Congratulations MONICA :)))

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Design Pir Sensor Circuit

summer - i'm waiting for you

Tic toc tic toc...summer is comming. Even if outside it is sill freezy and windy, the clock is ticking and the summer time is near! And what is better to make the waiting less difficult if not some summer shopping?! Maybe you will think I'm creazy to buy swimming suit from in the middle of February, but I asure you that it is better than Prozac for the winter depression. After long snowy months when you open your mail box and see a pack from Westrags  with this summer piece inside you think: finally! :) So girls, let's go some web shopping and get ready for hot, sunny days! A pair of sandals, a swimming suit and a fox tail to add to your jeans shorts! :))))
If you want to know my fav shops for some web shopping see the side bar on my blog! ;)

Tic toc tic toc...l'estate si avvicina. Anche se fuori ancora tira il vento freddo, l'orologio non sbaglia e l'estate is near! What's better to sweeten the wait if not a little 'retail therapy? You probably think I'm crazy - buy the costume in mid-February, but I assure you that it's better than Prozac for depression in winter. After long months full of snow, when you open your mail and see a pack of Westrags with a costume in Think: Finally! :) So girls, do a little 'web shopping and prepare for hot sunny days! A pair of sandals, a bathing suit and a tail pantalloncini to attack the pair of jeans:)))
If you want to know what are my favorite stores on-line you see the bar latterale del mio blog! ;)

(wedges - Bershka, swimming suit and the dress - Westrags , flower pin - H&M, fox tail - Dolls Kill , bag - DC)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Install An Oakley Shield Riddell Helmet

My new Neon

Yes, finally we bought a new camera and finally the photos made in the evening and at home Have a decent quality. Apart from the new room I have a new neon in my wardrobe. This yellow top is my newest find. I must say it's Better Than That coffee. This vibrant color Gave me energy all day:) I think I'm going to buy more, maybe Some orange and pink?

Yes, we finally bought a new camera, and finally the pictures taken at night and at home have a decent quality. Apart from the new machine, I have a new baby in my wardrobe. This yellow top is my new discovery. I must say that is better than a coffee. Its bright color gives you energy throughout the day. :) I plan to buy more, maybe some orange or pink?

(wearing: Zara moccasins, vintage jeans, H&M yellow top, my boyfriend's sweater, River Island necklace and HI-END ring)


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Artistic Brazilian Wax

a piece of spring (GIVE-AWAY)

I just woke up, made some coffee and  now I'm sitting outside in the sun and writing to you. It's almost spring here. I know, I know, you will hate me, specialy those of you who are looking outside the window and all they see is snow everywhere. Well, to give all of you a piece of spring Mili Jewels and K come Karolina have this cute necklace for you!
All you have to do:
1. Become a friend of Mili Jewels on Facebook
2. Become my follower on Bloglovin , Blogger or Facebook (write me WHERE)
3. Leave me a comment with your e-mail address
If you want an extra entry spread the love: to leave information about this give-away on your Facebook or Twitter and you can leave Another comment (let me know in Where You wrote a new comment about this give-away).
I just woke up, I made coffee and now I'm sitting outside in the sun and I'm writing to you. 'almost spring here. I know, I know, hate me, and especially those of you that everything you see the window is snow everywhere. Well, to give you all a piece of spring Mili Jewels and K as Karolina has this pretty necklace for you!

Everything you need to do :
1. Become a friend of Mili Jewels on Facebook
2 . Become my follower on Bloglovin , Blogger or Facebook ( where write me )
3. Let a comment with your address e-mail
If you want a chance more share 's love : leave a information on this give-away on your Facebook or Twitter and you can leave another comment (let me know where you wrote about this give-away ) .
Oh! The winner will be announced next Saturday - I know you Have Time until Friday. And Who Does not Want To Wait Have the chance to buy Mili Jewels with the 20% off with the coupon code KAROLINA.
Ah! Will announce the winner next Saturday, you have time to comment until Friday. Who would not want to wait can buy Mili Jewels with 20% discount using the code KAROLINA.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Who Is Hotter Arabs Or

Teletext directly from your computer

Here is a great application to watch teletext directly from your PC. The application, we will see all the pages of teletext pages include sub-to-date and readily accessible without having to wait.

The application is completely free and requires no installation.
The application takes up very little memory and previous versions have been improved many things including:
  • problems loading pages
  • nonexistent
  • adding bookmarks bar
  • improved graphics
  • simple and intuitive
  • removed bug
Download Televideo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthday Cake Motorbike Track

LG Optimus Pad: The 3D tablet that will challenge the iPad

Debutterà in Europa al Mobile World Congress di Barcellona, che si terrà dal 14 al 17 febbraio, il tablet con cui la coreana LG farà il suo ingresso in un mercato che si annuncia sempre più combattuto.  

L'Optimus Pad ha uno schermo da 8,9 pollici da 1280x768 con funzionalità 3D e sarà basato sulla versione 3.0 (Honeycomb) del sistema operativo Android di Google, destinato a equipaggiare lam maggior parte dei tablet che saranno lanciati nel 2011.
The core of the tablet
LG is the powerful dual-core processor Tegra 2. Optimus Pad is equipped with two camera front and rear targets capable of capturing images in 3D . The EUR 32 GB internal memory and 6400 mAh battery will provide sufficient autonomy for a day of work.

Here's a video demonstration:

sales expected to begin in March ; still no indiscretion on the part, which will probably be announced on the occasion of the exhibition in Barcelona .

PlayStation 3, basta sia provvista di una connessione a Internet e sia in stand by, accendendola tramite una sorta di wake on lan (segnale di sveglia tramite la rete) e di giocare remotamente usando schermo e comandi della NGP. Ovviamente l'OLED dell'handheld non ha la stessa risoluzione di un TV Full HD, per questo sarà possibile zoomare su porzioni di schermo semplicemente toccando il touch sul retro della console. Sony dal canto suo non conferma ma nemmeno nega, quindi qualcosa di vero ci può essere. In aggiunta la casa del monolite dichiara "che stanno valutando la possibilità di fornire applicazioni/contenuti non relativi al gaming e aggiungeranno dettagli aggiuntivi quando saranno pronti".

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Inurl:view/view.shtml Axis

Apollo 15 e LRO

Paul Attivissimo

Fuffologia The blog has published a bell ' article in which they are comparing the riprese filmate del decollo dalla Luna dell'Apollo 15 nel 1971 e le fotografie scattate nell'aprile del 2010 alla stessa zona della superficie lunare dalla sonda automatica Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

Durante il decollo, la cinepresa del modulo lunare dell'Apollo 15, con a bordo gli astronauti David Scott e James Irwin, inquadrò brevemente dall'alto la zona di allunaggio. È quindi possibile isolare dal filmato i fotogrammi che mostrano la zona e verificare se quanto viene mostrato coincide con quello che risulta oggi esserci sulla Luna in quell'area. Il risultato è eloquentissimo. Come avrebbe fatto la NASA a fabbricare nel 1971 una ripresa che mostra esattamente quello che c'è sulla Luna oggi, con tanto di strumenti, stadio inferiore del modulo lunare e scie di impronte degli astronauti e della loro auto elettrica?

Qui vi mostro solo l'immagine animata di raffronto: per i dettagli del procedimento e per le riprese originali leggete l' articolo originale  di Gabriele.