Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Baby Born To Send Sms

The article by Luca D'Amore - WIN FOR LIFE ... SISAL WINS!


"Win for Life" misleading, the buoy "calls" the Antitrust

The super prize of Euro 4 thousand is divided by the number of winners.
Ergo: if you win four in the "monthly" is reduced by 4 thousand Euro to 1,000 Euro and this important "issue" is not clearly stated by the Sisal to the point that the association the "Swim" presented a report to the Antitrust misleading advertising.

Read the article in the "Swim"
http://www.ilsalvagente.it/Sezione.jsp?idSezione=4430&lookfor=win% 20for% 20life

"for Win life ", 91% of players do not win anything did you know?

The probability of the twenty-year annuity "still divided" are so ridiculously low enough to make up the legendary "Roulette" symbol of casinos, extraordinary machine benefactress! To win the twenty-year annuity
"still divided" we have a chance 3,695,120, much more difficult than making a 5 on the Lotto.
It 's true that the "house" always wins, but with a lot of winning Win for Life!

Read the article in the "Swim"

"Win for Life" is a hard drug , speaks a psychologist

Dr. Capitanucci, psychologist, explains that Win for Life is a dangerous game, which is presented as harmless, positive, even reassuring, then it is not.
Win for Life has all the numbers to be listed as a high-risk gambling.
With the repetition of the extraction time creates dependency and fosters an attitude to compulsive gambling.
It 's a mechanism among the more "subtle" so far invented.

Read the article in the "Swim"

Conclusion ... let's keep still very close to our dear, old, much loved and sadly mistreated Lot ...

Luca D'Amore 393-9205130

In un momento come quello attuale, il nostro caro amato Lotto subisce la concorrenza del SUPERENALOTTO, che pur essendo un gioco in sostanza “IMPOSSIBILE” (622 MILIONI di combinazioni, non esiste al mondo gioco MENO probabile!!!), gode di super montepremi e dell’appoggio incondizionato di giornali e televisioni.
A tal proposito mi sorge spontaneo un pensiero.
Considerato che il Lotto va in TV e sui giornali con SPOT a pagamento, perché tutta questa pubblicità GRATUITA al SUPERENALOTTO?
Dov’è il Garante della concorrenza e del mercato?
We need someone signs for months that is visible to everyone?

... Well, at a time like the present one or rather those who govern Lotto Lotto decide what? They decide to mechanize
extractions, removing one of the oldest "ritual" of the game most loved by Italians, or the extraction of numbers from the urn, with the hand of the innocent child, once represented by the poor "orphan."
This decision has sparked an uproar of complaints by hundreds of players, especially the more traditional players, the true backbone of this game.
But who are the brains that govern the Lotto?
What are their names, who do they have?
Imagine the Palio di Siena course by "mechanical horses, jockeys with paper mache!
You think that the Sienese not rebel against such a decision?
Why do we love us really like the Lotto game, but also as an event which is part of our traditions, we let every decision, even the most absurd, always pass over our heads, without a shot being fired? On the site
LOTTO friends found a poll, where you can express your opinion, manual removal or mechanical?

Luca D'Amore 393-9205130

Lottery games, the oldest, the most loved by Italians today is treated like any pornographic product!
Turn on the TV in the morning or afternoon time slot and begin to "slide" the many terrestrial or satellite channels.
In no time you "come across" definitely in a tele-shopping, with a subject of the lottery games.
"admire" the skilful rhetorical quality of the seller or the seller of the moment and listen carefully to what he says, you can observe how the game of Lotto is completely emptied of its contents become a traditional and simple means of bringing the viewer to "pleasure", a pleasure quick, fast and immediate, that is "consumed" in the home, calling all'899 duty and acquiring a prediction of 'safe' success.
We all know very well however, that winning the lottery is something very difficult and challenging, and before that a good prediction is absolutely necessary to conduct a game based on experience, the patience and perseverance.
The Lotto game is a "ruthless", which does not really offer you anything, every success, even the smallest should be sweating and won with great tenacity.
It is clear, then, as "teleshopping" unable to change the primary essence of the lot, reducing the same way as a "quick need" to be met immediately.
generate in viewers an immediate need for money, leveraging oiled marketing mechanisms, very similar to those that the same television stations and most likely the same company, then in the end propinano evening and night, namely the immediate needs of a sexual nature .
Again, the viewer is induced to call a 899 number or similar, to meet once a "pleasure", this time of a sexual nature, but always with the same identical meccanismi mentali.
Il prodotto Lotto oggi è gestito così, a livello “industriale” e alla stessa maniera del prodotto “pornografico”, cambia solo la fascia oraria, il presentatore ed il tipo di telespettatore: col Lotto si soddisfano i sogni e i bisogni di un pubblico maggiormente femminile, con il sesso si soddisfano i sogni e i bisogni di un pubblico maggiormente maschile.
Esistono solo le esigenze di mercato e l’unica regola importante e fondamentale è fare business, fare minuti, fare traffico, far si che la gente, specie la povera gente, si attacchi al telefono e cominci a chiamare costosissimi numeri a pagamento.
Ma per noi che amiamo il gioco del Lotto, per noi che il Lotto ha ancora a quasi-mysterious to us that the Lotto word means first of all history, culture, tradition, but also technical, statistical, mathematical, we spend sleepless nights for us on the numbers for us that we are true lovers, really passionate about this fascinating and rich field for us that we have done our Lotto reason for living, for us to see covered our game, on par with any pornographic product, is something absolutely unacceptable, that makes us truly "sick."
Luca D'Amore 393-9205130
RETURN TO Jurassica

There was once a figure of "LOTTOLOGO", that person really passionate about numbers, who spent hours and hours on books, exercise books, theories and statistics of all kinds. I
25 years ago, young director of several journals dedicated to the game of Lotto, and with them I knew several of those "lottologi" I had only one difficulty: it was really "difficult" to pay for their products, their methods, their work, I would then published on my magazines.
It was, in fact, people so fair, intellectually pure, honest and dedicated to passion to the subject Lot, almost ashamed to take money!
"But how? No, I do not have to pay, I do it for love ... ", this was the most common phrase that I heard repeated and compared with what is now the Lot area, unfortunately I seem to ancient times, Jurassic era!
Now this no longer exists, now we have become accustomed to the new "lottologi", which do not compile the most interesting theories, but they sell only on television, often accompanied by lines 899 and that with great boldness, aggression and very skilled as an orator, speaking Lot, as a "cash cow" and wins you get a snowball and easily!
Just call 899 to turn and you're done, the state will begin to pay regular fees! Simple
No, nothing I say, the lottery is not a simple game, indeed it is, was and will always be a difficult game that does not give a penny to anyone, believe me, and then back to the Jurassic, here is the new "lottologi "television is the most developed form of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, always ready to tear those poor, naive and gullible, who believe their lies and you make the circuit from their fine words.
Judging by how the "lottologi" TV pullulano sui vari canali digitali, terrestri e satellitari, bisogna anche costatare con rammarico, che purtroppo le prede non mancano.
E allora non lasciatevi ingannare, ripeto per l’ennesima volta e con “forza”, che vincere al Lotto è impresa assai difficile.
Luca D'Amore 393-9205130

Partiamo da questa notizia...
Gli italiani, nell'ultima estrazione di martedì scorso, hanno giocato 9 MILIONI di Euro sul 49!!!
Nonsense, a real nonsense, we are a nation of saints, poets, surfers, but not intelligent players!
The game is very dangerous on the laggards, see the last section "FAQ about delays," which I put on my site http://www.lotttoamico.blogspot.com/ . The state collects
especially on this sort of game and only this news should make you to be very clear of stragglers!
If the latecomer does not come out in a few strokes you are forced to do dangerous "pillars" of capital, but the "disgrace" biggest you can happen is to win with a late man.
to win?!?!
Yes, you read that to win well, because with the next tardy will lose everything you've won before and still loses big money!
The game that I will propose instead is diametrically opposite ... One
TERNO DRY, TOP SUPER ", see TOP SUPER" - You pay a WINNING WAS ... , to play a fixed wheel.
course must be constant and patient, of course you must pay with blood and tears, but the prospects are much more attractive game to win 1-2 draw with Euro 9000 to 18,000!
Best wishes.
Luca D'Amore 393-9205130


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