Monday, June 11, 2007

What Does A Brazillian Wax Looks Like


History the lot has very ancient origins, but before you go back in time to tell the story we need to understand what are the origins of the word lot. In German
los , French lot, in English lot, all these languages \u200b\u200bgive the same meaning to these words, fate.
The lottery was not created by a particular individual, but is the result of regulations and improvements of various forms of gambling that has always man had the pleasure to perform on many different events.
Already in ancient Rome during the festivities celebrating Saturn, god of time and fate, the faithful had the opportunity di puntare sui numeri e di vincere dei premi attraverso il meccanismo dell'estrazione .
Alcuni secoli dopo, ad Amersfort , non lontano da Amsterdam, i cittadini pensarono di sfruttare la passione per il gioco di alcuni concittadini per alienare alcune proprietà non divisibili.
Misero allora in palio il lotto completo delle loro proprietà.
Successivamente la cosa si ripeté più volte, tanto che in seguito venne regolamentata come il Lotto d'Olanda .
A Venezia invece venne organizzata dal Consiglio dei Pregadi ( l'antico Senato Veneziano), una lotteria il cui montepremi era un lotto di immobili.
La lotteria venne chiamata Lotto del Rialto ed aveva un montepremi complessivo di centomila ducati.
Si poteva partecipare all'estrazione acquistando un bollettino al prezzo di due scudi ognuno.

In Italia però, la formula di Lotto più vicina a quella attuale, nasce a Genova nei primi anni del 1500.
Il primo documento a prova di questo, è un decreto del 1539 contro le scommesse sui candidati al Senato della Repubblica genovese.
Era infatti in uso allora fare scommesse collettive, legate all'elezione dei magistrati, sorteggiati periodicamente, a fare parte del Senato della Repubblica.
Nonostante questa pratica fosse proibita, i più scaltri ed esperti scommettitori trasformarono la loro passione in una lucrosa as illegal economic activity starting to take the bench.
The situation became untenable, so the Great Council of the Republic decided that they could elect 120 of the most deserving fathers for prudence, under the best, whose names were placed in an urn that seminary or Seminajo from which they were extracted twice five year .
Use to bet on the sweepstakes game then was called the Seminary.
enthusiasts and many punters were given the opportunity groped with the fate of a draw on one hundred and twenty five names collected in Bussolotti.
first bets were born spontaneously between individuals, but soon there were those who accepted bets from more people and finally formed company that held a chassis and special conditions that were the first rules of the game.
The game was still banned on several occasions and the spread of illegal betting, until the seventeenth century, the Serene, on a proposal of the House (a Ministry of Finance period) restated the prohibition of the game but at the same time , predicted that the Seminar would be held by those who had held the license, upon payment of a right dealer. The containers
business, realizing the growing turnover, thought to protect against credit risk to pay any winnings above for collection, creating a prize fund called the Mount of bets to be distributed among the winners.
The organizers had a margin of insured salary.
If it had not been guessed no name, which happens often, items were returned (without the gain of the territories), the awards were added to the prize money not collected extraction later.

The fame of this game soon reached across the peninsula and the betting began arriving by the other Italian states.
In the future capital of Italy, the Papal State since the Lotto was very hard life because of strict laws papal fact this game was considered a great sin for man and players had to meet the excommunication.
But the struggle of the popes against the lot had very little results, so the study of Clement XI he delegated the matter to a special congregation of theologians and canon lawyers headed by Cardinal Tolomei. The Commission concluded that it would not have allowed either in Rome or anywhere else in the State Ecclesiastical the use of such games , except under the conditions and safeguards, and the regulations of this congregation and brought implied.
Innocent XII declared then the eligibility of lottery games. The institution
ufficiale del Lotto ebbe nuovamente vita breve, Benedetto XII emanò tre editti che abolirono il gioco.
Solo dopo quattro anni il lotto fu reintrodotto in modo definitivo nello Stato Pontificio con un nuovo metodo.
Il sistema si basava sulla lista di novanta zitelle nubili romane, le cinque sorteggiate ricevevano in dono la veste nuziale e cinquanta scudi a titolo di dote.
Gli utili venivano depositati nella Depositeria Generale, a libera disposizione del Papa il quale, a sua discrezione, destinava i sopravanzi in aiuto di varie opere di pietà.
A Venezia una versione del gioco del Lotto simile a quella attuale, nacque nel 1733, col nome di Lotto intitolato di Genova e di Roma a dimostrazione che si trattava in ogni modo export of a game.
This lot had been managed directly, thus avoiding the contract to third parties, and there was no limits to play. In 1745
for extraction of five numbers but it came to a figure so high that it was necessary to establish a maximum bet, so it was applied the rule of the famous castle.
Il Castelletto was a system that allowed the operator Enterprise the lot to limit the risks inherent the game.
was phased in for all the Italian states to limit the risk of having to pay higher payouts of payments received and consequently the failure of public or private who ran the game.
In Milan, the lot was not an easy life, an endless series of prohibitions alternated extraordinary concessions, shouting that prohibited, for edicts anteposero governing it.
Even in this case made reference to the game of the Seminar, and the success was so great that passed bans.
In fact, in 1665 the Governor of the city of Milan was forced to grant the concession for twenty years in the game at Via Giovanni Battista in exchange for half of the proceeds. So even
Milan knew that the lot could be transformed to the state coffers into a formidable money-making machine.
Despite the concession, the official game sluggish, so that it was necessary proceed allocation of new contracts for the management of the game, able to get the longed gains to the exchequer.
The gain was certainly not exciting as the English Governor retraced his steps revoking the authorization making and, in fact, illegal gambling.
The game continued at full speed, in a clandestine, with the difference that players tips on playing the Seminary of Genoa.
The dispersion of capital abroad convinced in March 1696 the Governor of Milan to turn around and grant a new concession to a single person, that Francesco Ripamonti . Years after the concession was revoked and then restored, until 1768 when Maria Theresa of Austria put new rules and gave the award to the family Minonzio , with the participation in the profits of the Royal House, and was established for the benefit of the exchequer the figure of 227,000 pounds per year. A Lot
regulation almost completely modern and came after Napoleon, Francis I, who issued a decree that is regulated in an organic the whole matter.

We left for last what is considered the capital of the lot, Naples.
The lot came with a century of lagging behind in Genoa, and how it was initially called the Seminary of Naples, but soon changed his name in New batch of Napoli.
La Prima estrazione avvenne nel 1682.
Il lotto a Napoli ebbe un'evoluzione lenta e disordinata, infatti, si passò dalle prime estrazioni con cadenza annuale alle due o tre estrazioni l’anno.
Nel 1689 il gioco fu abolito, e fu definitivamente ristabilito nel 1737.
La gestione del gioco fu effettuata con il sistema dell'appalto fino al 1798, per poi passare sotto la giurisdizione di un’amministrazione speciale.
Nel 1804 le estrazioni erano 24 l’anno e pochi anni dopo fu istituita (durante la dominazione francese) una regia interessata affidata all'imprenditore Carlo Emanuele Guebard di Soletta, per la durata di sei anni.
The game then went back into public hands and in 1817 became the extractions fifty.
were born the first receivers, called borrowers or postieri and receivers or box office; in 1843 were already a thousand distributed throughout the kingdom ruled Sicily.
The draws were held in Naples with great majesty, in a specially decorated room in the palace of the Vicar, where the courts were located. After the unit

of Italy faced the problem of giving rules to the game of the lot. Initially it was decided to abolish definitively, but as always pressing reasons of tax they change their minds.
Article 1 of Royal Decree of November 5, 1863 states that: Beginning with the first extraction of January 1864, a lottery, held temporarily in favor of the State, will be reorganized in the provinces of the kingdom, on the foundations laid down by this decree.
With this decree the fate lambo possible were simple, the triples and the quadruplet , wheels operating, Turin, Milan, Florence, Bologna, Naples and Palermo. The wheel of Bologna
disappeared in 1866 and came into the scene of Bari, were then made to Venice and Rome.
In 1894 a regulation was introduced in more detail.
were confirmed eight wheels were changed and the awards of destiny possible, draw ever closer to the current ones.
will have to wait until 1939 because the lottery to become law one of the many activities of the State.
In terms of the game, the most important innovations were the introduction the quintet that pays a million times and the lucky winner enlargement of the wheels to the cities of Cagliari and Genoa. This was certainly a recognition of the Ligurian city, which boasted the birthright of this game.
Finally, the law that allowed the final explosion of this game was that the automation, management and the betting, with the enlargement of the final collection point in about four tobacco shops, which were additional to the existing five hundred box office.

The lottery is now living with automation, a new revival, thanks to the fact that the law provides for a gradual expansion of the collection points for thousands of tobacconists who request it.


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