Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Periodontist Salary 2010


Also send your testimony to win at

Dear Luca D'Amore is the first time I enter into your site and even know her through her journals as early as back in 1990, I must confess with regret that I did not trust her because too many advertised winnings every month .. until yesterday when I walked into your site and I copied the numbers without the wheel of the blue and Terno Lotto investment and I've played .. I took 3 AMBI and TERNO 17 48 67 quatrain about winning Euro 2250 .. I enclose the vision in winning the tickets and thanking the greeting cordially.

Sergio Falcinelli - Bergamo
... There
followed by 5 months and years without winning a game, with you I finally made two ambitious and the jackpot for a total of 2,000 Euro. I am not rich, but I'm happy! Thank you to everyone.

Corrado Acquasta - Weapon ( IM)
We are an engaged couple and we express our gratitude for the payout of 750 euros that you did achieve, a sum that has enabled us to meet certain expenses in view of marriage. E 'was really wonderful when we won an emotion with your prediction. Finally, our consistency in the game and trust in you, we were rewarded.
Mattiello Anna and Frank Power - Curti (CE)
I have no words for what happened to me with his forecast explosive and I do not know enough to say good luck or the grace received. On July 7, I ended the installment of the loan back now and I expected the seizure of the house, but thanks to his win I could get the Euro 2000 that I needed to stop the foreclosure. I apologize for my poorly written, but I'm too excited for the event.
Graziella Piccirilli - Bilello (VC )
Ringrazio il sig . Luca D'Amore per le due vincite al Lotto che hanno creato nella nostra famiglia un clima più forte di serenità reciproca.
Artemio Bartoloso - Pievebelvicino (VI)
Un grazie speciale a Luca D'Amore per la vincita di 2.000 Euro (allego fotocopie). Questi soldi mi facevano davvero comodo. Grazie davvero.
Dorina Tommasetto - Pojana Maggiore (VI)
I am your subscriber for about two years and I had a lot of satisfaction with Lot investment. The photocopy of the latest bills winning Euro 7165, which I hope will be published for the few people who have not yet been assigned to Luca D'Amore.
Aniello Langella - Boscoreale ( NA)
am abbonato a Lotto D'investimento dal 1994 e gioco per bisogno, non per sfizio. Prima di conoscere voi sono stato preso in giro da maghi, magonzi e pseudo- lottologi . Adesso ho toccato con mano cosa vuol dire serietà e competenza e vi ringrazio per tutto quello che fate per noi "giocatori per forza".
Paolo Selvatico - Giussago ( PV )
Trasmetto in fotocopia vincita i cui numeri sono stati gentilmente da voi forniti telefonicamente al primo contatto.
Giuseppe Liguori - Ferrara
Dear Luca I write these few lines to tell me how happy I am that my first win. I took more than 500 euros, still can not believe it!
Romilda Minto - Venice
A big thank you to the entire editorial staff, a special greeting to Luca D'Amore, who allowed me in November ambition to hit as many as 3 buckets.
Pagliuca Emanuele - Cisterna di Latina (LT )
Thanks for the win made the first hit with SMS lucky. You are very good. Losers 500 Euro.
Carmela Marco - Palermo
Dear Mr . Luke, thank you so much for the numbers you gave me via SMS, I won two ambitious and I hope I will still give other numbers.
Tina Castelletti - Clusone (BG )


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